What to Wear in Your Family Photos

3 Tips For Great Family Photos

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Congratulations! You’ve just booked a family photoshoot with Barnett Photography! We’re gonna laugh. We’re gonna smile. We’re gonna have a great time! You mark your calendar but, soon the realization sets in…WHAT DO WE WEAR? How can we even get these people out of the door on-time, much less looking great?! Well, as far as time management goes, you’re on your own…sorry! BUT, we can help you with clothes! Color is our business and we’ve got some tips!

Tip #1. You Don’t Have To Match.

Matchy-matchy can be good. Especially, if you’ve been doing it that way and you wanna keep this family tradition going. But, picking outfits that “go” is usually more flattering than picking outfits that “match”. But, how do you found out what “goes?”

Tip #2. Look Around You.

If you’re going to hang the photos on your walls (and you should!), you can draw a little inspiration from your own home. What color are the walls? How about the throw pillows or blanket on your couch? Our own living room has splashes of gray, blue, and gold. Maybe your outfits can bring some contrasting and complimentary colors to those walls!

Tip #3. Wear What You Love.

You don’t always have to buy new clothes for yourself and everybody else. Sometimes your favourite dress or shirt is exactly what you should wear. It’s what people remember you wearing and a favorite item is usually something you already feel good and look good in! Sometimes, just a new accessory like a scarf is all you may need!

Keep scrolling for 3 MORE tips to help your family photos be all they can be!

3 Tips for Family Photos Barnett Photography Texas

Getting multiple households coordinated can be tricky! Bonus tip: Find a color pallet you like that also provides plenty of options for everybody. Blue? Great! Gray? Do it! Cream? Wear it!

Springtime Family Photos Barnett Photography Texas

Modern Family Photographer Texas

I will do my best to make your spicy tattoos look good with the background!

Beautiful Family Photography

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What to Wear Family Photos Orange Texas

This is one of our favourites. Love that little light-pink cutie! Also, the pup is on his best behaviour!

Port Arthur Texas Family Photographer
Beaumont Texas Family Photography
This is our friend and British Columbia based photographer, Julie Dorge. She always did a great job getting her family dressed for photos. We’re working on a post of just Julie’s family through the years. In the meantime, here’s Julie’s tips for getting her family ready for a photoshoot with Barnett Photography!
What to Wear Family Photos Silsbee Texas
What to Wear Family Photos Big Thicket

Bright, bold, blended, and beautiful. If possible, give the kids a couple different options so they can be part of the process and be excited about what they’re wearing!

Barnett Photography shows you what to wear for your family photo session
Yes. This is our family! We understand the effort of getting everybody dressed and out the door! Our best friend, Heather, took these lovely family photos for us. She’s based in Kelowna, BC, so contact her for your family photos today!
Barnett Photography Southeast Texas
This family even had a matching blanket that we threw on the ground for this fun over-head photo!
What to Wear Family Photos Lumberton TexasWhat to Wear Family Photos Beaumont Texas

Bonus Tips!

Avoid branded clothing.

Unless you’re a big instagram influencer who promised to wear that logo, keep it word-free.

Bring a blanket for sitting on the ground.

We’ll probably have one with us, but your’s might work better if it’s coordinated with your clothing.

Book family photos at least once a year.

The more often you do it, the easier it is. Also, there’s far less pressure to make it “perfect” if you get them done all the time. The more photos you have, the more those photos serve as snapshots of your ever-growing, ever-changing, beautiful family.

That’s our advice for figuring out what to wear for your family photos with Southeast Texas based photographers, Barnett Photography! If you have a tip for our readers, leave a comment!

Visit our family photography page HERE.

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