Kelowna based photographers

By , On , In Newborn Photography

Carly and I (Josh) had both of our wonderful children here in Kelowna, at Kelowna General Hospital. Elizabeth was born December 2010 and 17 months later in May of 2012, we had Margaret. Ellie was a C-Section and Margaret was a natural birth. The two experiences were, of course, very different from each other. But something that they had in common was the wonderful care we received from KGH and it’s incredible staff of Doctors and Nurses. We don’t have a single complaint about the people there. Amazing.

Around late February/early March, before Maggie, we decided that we wanted to see about donating some work to add a little life and fun to the walls in 3 West (the Labor and Delivery Ward). I googled Kelowna General Hospital and dialed the first phone number I saw. Low and behold, it was answered by Diane Paterson who is the Gift Planning Officer for the KGH Foundation. I must have surprised her when I fumbled out the words, “The company I represent would like to make a substantial donation of artwork to the Maternity Ward of KGH.” Hahaha. After a few emails back and forth with examples of the work, approval from the KGH art committee, and a meeting with the director of 3 West, it was decided that we would donate 20 framed and matted pieces of our newborn photography into the Post-Partum Ward of 3 West.

Knowing this would not be a cheap donation, we decided to do some promotions to help fund our project. We are excited to have those babies included in the installation, along with one photograph of each of own our girls, Ellie and Maggie.

So this week was the week of the scheduled installation. Black and McDonald provided the installations services. They did a fantastic job working with us do determine the appropriate location for each photograph.

Next time you’re up visiting a newly born baby, or if you’re there having your own baby, our hope is that the artwork creates a sense of the beauty that is having a new life enter this world. Something fresh and new. Someone who needs you. A great responsibility, but also a great, great big joy. I speak from experience.


The Babies.

The Installation.

The finished work.

A huge thanks to all the parents who agreed to let their children be a part of this project.
Big thank you to Diane Paterson with the KGH Foundation for all her help making it all happen.
Thanks to Kelowna General Hospital for being so great for our family.

If you haven’t seen the new construction at KGH, go check it out. It’s really looking great and it’s all possible through donations.

Kelowna General Hospital Foundation:

Black and McDonald

Barnett Photography
