When we met Kaila she was a student at the Center For Arts and Technology here in Kelowna. One of her teachers tasked her with interviewing a photography company about business, art, etc. She emailed us and we were happy to oblige! After meeting Kaila and hearing her intelligent questions, we had a few questions of our own, namely, would she be interested in coming to a few Okanagan weddings with us? She could help us with reflectors and whatnot and we would share all our secrets. She agreed, and a few weddings turned into 2 full seasons of interning with us! She’s bright, helpful, and quite a talented photographer herself! You can check out her work here!
She asked us to photograph her and Nathan and we were excited to do it! Taking pictures of people is what we do. Taking pictures of other photographers is such a treat and a challenge! Thanks for your hard work, keen eye, and help these last two seasons and we’re stoked for your help this summer, too!
Check out this beautiful Dilworth Mountain Park session!

As always, leave a comment and come see us over at Instagram!